Payroll and PPh 21 Services

Scope of Services

Our Professional team can assist you to review your Income Tax Article 21 (PPh 21) calculation, performing analysis and provide professional tax advice so that the obligation can run effectively in accordance with the company’s character and condition. Our Payroll and PPh 21 services includes :

Calculation of PPh 21 which is not appropriate and not in accordance with the regulations may cause high compliance cost and of course potential tax sanctions. To avoid that, a comprehensive management of PPh 21 obligation are necessarily required.

Other Solutions

Contacts and Information

ISSN : 1978-5844
Head Office :
Gd. Pemuda Lantai 2 Jl Pemuda Raya No. 66 Rawamangun Jakarta – Indonesia 13220

Phone : (021) 47865713
WhatsApp : +628119810104

Research and Development Center :
Sentra Kota Ruko B No. 7, No. 8 dan No. 9 Jatibening, Bekasi Jawa Barat
Email :