Tax and Accounting Services

Scope of Services

Ortax can assist your company in conducting rights and fulfillment of corporate obligations, including: Tax Administration and Compliance, Tax Review, Tax Advisory and Research, Tax Audit and Litigation and Accounting Support in efforts to obtain maximum tax efficiency.

Monthly and annual tax return for corporate/personal income tax, witholding income tax and value added tax. We also provide registration/deregistration Tax ID, tax clearance and other services regarding tax administration.

To ensure the accuracy in the implementation of tax obligations in accordance with prevailing tax regulations. Identifying process to define potential tax exposures and providing recommendations.

Build strategic argumentation and justification related a tax treatment. Help your business define the entity’s tax position to obtain maximum tax efficiency. 

Assisting and representing your company in the event of tax audit performed by tax authorities, tax verification, tax objection, cancellation or correction of tax assessment, reduction of tax penalties, tax appeal and reconsideration to Supreme Court.

Assist your accounting support, designing the system most suited to your company, prepare your financial statement or other accounting reports.

Comprehensive tax management is become essential in order to optimalize tax efficiency. Tax management related tax obligations is intended to anticipate any potential tax penalties associated with mistakes and negligence. Further, the tax management of the taxpayer’s rights is intended to optimalize the utilization of our rights to achieve tax efficiency.

Other Solutions

Contacts and Information

ISSN : 1978-5844
Head Office :
Askrida Tower Lt. 1-2
JI. Pramuka Kav.151 Jakarta Timur 13210

Research and Development Center :
Sentra Kota Blok B No. 7, No. 8 dan No. 9 Jatibening, Bekasi Jawa Barat
Phone : (021) 85210980
WhatsApp : +62 811 1992 0088
Email :